Microsoft Completes Acquisition of Enterprise Security Provider Sybari Software

"Microsoft Corp. today announced the completion of its acquisition of Sybari Software Inc. Originally announced Feb. 8, the acquisition of Sybari adds a critical security component to Microsoft’s efforts to help enterprise customers become more secure. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft, Sybari will continue to offer enterprise protection products for the Microsoft® Windows® platform.

“Customers have told us they want powerful security solutions for the enterprise to help protect their messaging and collaboration servers from viruses, worms and spam,” said Mike Nash, corporate vice president of the Security Business & Technology Unit at Microsoft. “Sybari’s award-winning and innovative products coupled with its strong industry partnerships and deep integration with such products as Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 will deliver immediate value to Microsoft customers.” ... read on...

Chris Meirick on June 21, 2005 at 09:26 AM in News
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During elections time stock market act very weird. One has to be very careful while doing trading and investments in Indian stock market .

If you have any doubt please feel free to contact us.


Posted by: sharetipsinfo at May 31, 2009 11:13:34 PM

During elections time stock market act very weird. One has to be very careful while doing trading and investments in Indian stock market .

If you have any doubt please feel free to contact us.


Posted by: sharetipsinfo at May 31, 2009 11:13:54 PM

Dear Visitor,
Market is showing some good move. Nifty traders are now confused if they should go short in Nifty from current level of 5400 or should go further long. NSE and BSE are the two major stock exchanges of Indian stock market. Keeping in mind that many investors and traders are very much confused with the current market move, we have stared posting " title="technical research reports"> technical research reports These reports are highly accurate and are available for free.

Stock market investment if done with proper research and updated knowledge than it can give very lucrative results. There are four basic golden rules of stock market which are to be followed. ([email protected])

Nifty is on its peak now and is turning volatile. Investors are suggested to book long delivery positions soon. As after some more upmove we can see profit booking in the market soon. Investors are suggested to grab quality stocks at lower level again

Posted by: BUZZINGSTREET at Oct 4, 2010 7:02:17 AM

Nice and useful blog. It’s a fact that in India NSE and BSE are most popular and very volatile stock exchanges with many listed shares in it. Again its true no matter how volatile Share market is still investors can mint good profit.

Now the question is how one can earn money via share market trading?

Answer to this is quite simple. We all know share market have many listed stocks and it’s a fact that everyday we have top gainers and top losers in stock market. If our stock timing and stock selection is right we can earn decent profit from stock market.

So again new question is How to select and time stocks?

No matter how good trader or investor you are still one has to rely on market research. Only technical and fundamental research helps, speculation is not worth and no one can earn regular profit by speculations.


Posted by: sharetipsinfo at Dec 28, 2010 2:22:52 AM

Nice and useful blog. It’s a fact that in India NSE and BSE are most popular and very volatile stock exchanges with many listed shares in it. Again its true no matter how volatile Share market is still investors can mint good profit.

Now the question is how one can earn money via share market trading?

Answer to this is quite simple. We all know share market have many listed stocks and it’s a fact that everyday we have top gainers and top losers in stock market. If our stock timing and stock selection is right we can earn decent profit from stock market.

So again new question is How to select and time stocks?

No matter how good trader or investor you are still one has to rely on market research. Only technical and fundamental research helps, speculation is not worth and no one can earn regular profit by speculations.


Posted by: sharetipsinfo at Dec 28, 2010 2:24:36 AM

Nice blog would like to add some information further to make experience of visitors more informative.

As we all know in India we have two major stock exchanges named BSE and NSE. So for now let’s focus on NSE
. NSE stands for National stock exchange. It has many listed shares and is one of the most popular, volume oriented, hitech and well governed exchange in the world.

One can earn good money from National stock exchange if they follow few guidelines while trading and rely on research and only research. It’s wrong to say that no one speculates in stock market still constancy of profit can be maintained only if trading is meaningful and is based on technical research or fundamental research.



Posted by: sharetipsinfo at Jan 13, 2011 11:13:40 PM

Nice post. Its always better to think before investing money in stock market. Investment should be done in share market but with the aim to increase our funds so speculation should not be the mode of investment. Investors should know why they are investing money in any stock.

Posted by: buzzingstreet at Feb 5, 2011 1:52:46 AM

Nice post. Its always better to think before investing money in stock market. Investment should be done in share market but with the aim to increase our funds so speculation should not be the mode of investment. Investors should know why they are investing money in any stock.

Posted by: buzzingstreet at Feb 5, 2011 1:54:10 AM

Nice post. Its always better to think before investing money in stock market. Investment should be done in share market but with the aim to increase our funds so speculation should not be the mode of investment. Investors should know why they are investing money in any stock.

Posted by: buzzingstreet at Feb 5, 2011 1:55:02 AM

Thanks so much for this! I haven't been this moved by a blog for a long time! You’ve got it, whatever that means
in blogging. Anyway, You are definitely someone that has something to say that people need to hear. Keep up
the good work. Keep on inspiring the people!
Stock Tips

Posted by: stock tips at May 19, 2011 10:56:45 PM

I really appreciate your post. It gives an outstanding idea that is very helpful for all the people on the web. Thanks for sharing this information and I’ll love to read your next post too.

Posted by: at Jun 14, 2011 7:26:26 PM

Dear Visitor,
Would like to appreciate the effort of the webmaster for creating such a wonderful blog which is very helpful for the visitors.
Would like to add few notes here like if we are trading in Share market say specially in NSE and BSE which are one of the most popular stock exchanges of the world then we need to take care of the few things like
1. Never overtrade
2. Avoid emotional trading decision
3. Don’t work on layman’s advise
4. Always seek professional support before investing your hard earned money
5. Its good to trade with strict stoploss always.
6. Rely on research rather than speculation.
To name few.
This is for sure if we follow above 6 points then we can always stay in profit. Its just like how investors and traders approach them.

Posted by: sharetipsinfo at Jul 1, 2011 3:26:58 AM

Fantastic post sir . i just love this.
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Posted by: mcx tips at Jul 22, 2011 4:34:39 AM

This post is really nice and informative. The explanation given is really comprehensive and informative. I am feeling happy to comment on this post. I think this is useful information for users-How does the ordinary investor fit into the equation comprising of global factors coupled with manipulation in the stock markets.

nifty option

Posted by: nifty option at Aug 9, 2011 7:01:30 AM

This post is really nice and informative. The explanation given is really comprehensive and informative. I am feeling happy to comment on this post. I think this is useful information for users-How does the ordinary investor fit into the equation comprising of global factors coupled with manipulation in the stock markets.

nifty option

Posted by: nifty option at Aug 9, 2011 7:04:29 AM

Nice blog would like to add that NSE and BSE are one of the most superior stock exchanges of India. If you wish to earn good money from the share market then you need to understand the functionality of the stock market properly.

Indian stock market offers lot of earning opportunities still many less traders earn from it. Now the question is who earns from the share trading? To be honest only those who rely on stock research as no one can earn big by speculating in the market.


Posted by: sharetipsinfo at Aug 10, 2011 2:20:59 AM

Visiting this blog is our real pleasure. Should like to thank admin for sharing such a useful information and starting
this thread in addition to that we suggest traders not to panic when market is in profit booking state. Investors and
traders should understand that in volatile stock market conditions they should switch to swing trading. Regards:

share market tips

Posted by: share market tips at Aug 18, 2011 9:22:10 PM

Visiting this blog is our real pleasure. Should like to thank admin for sharing such a useful information and starting
this thread in addition to that we suggest traders not to panic when market is in profit booking state. Investors and
traders should understand that in volatile stock market conditions they should switch to swing trading. Regards:

share market tips

Posted by: share market tips at Aug 18, 2011 10:02:23 PM

Nice and quite useful blog. Would like to say that stock market hardly gives any second chance. Once opportunity lost means it’s gone forever. Now the biggest question is how to grab trading opportunities every time we trade?
Well here comes the technical analyses handy. Just rely on research rather than your guts feeling and one should stop speculating in the Share market.
Follow few basic trading rules and we are sure one can earn huge amount in the Indian stock market only by trading in NSE and BSE

Posted by: buzzingstreet at Sep 6, 2011 10:02:25 PM

I can see that you are putting a lot of time and effort into your chart and analysis blog.I love every single piece of information you post here.great call on this stock.

Posted by: trade4target at Sep 23, 2011 5:17:32 AM

Visiting this blog is our real pleasure. Should like to thank admin for sharing such a useful information and starting this thread in addition to that we suggest traders not to panic when market is in profit booking state. Investors and traders should understand that in volatile stock market conditions they should switch to trading.

Posted by: trade4target at Sep 24, 2011 3:43:31 AM

Visiting this blog is our real pleasure. Should like to thank admin for sharing such a useful information and starting this thread in addition to that we suggest traders not to panic when market is in profit booking state. Investors and traders should understand that in volatile stock market conditions they should switch to trading.

Posted by: trade4target at Sep 24, 2011 3:47:26 AM

Visiting this blog is our real pleasure. Should like to thank admin for sharing such a useful information and starting this thread in addition to that we suggest traders not to panic when market is in profit booking state. Investors and traders should understand that in volatile stock market conditions they should switch to trading.

Posted by: trade4target at Sep 24, 2011 3:49:23 AM

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Mcx Tips

Posted by: Mcx Tips at Oct 17, 2011 1:00:48 AM