mGALSync 1.0.0
"Automatically synchronize your Outlook GAL to your Pocket PC!
mGALSync allows you to synchronize your Outlook Global Address List (GAL) to the Contacts folder on your Pocket PC device. Benefits include:
Contact details include all standard Microsoft Exchange Server fields, including: Name, Job title, Department, Phone numbers, Email address, Notes and many more.
Contact details are stored in your Pocket Contacts database.
Email addresses are displayed using SMTP format not X400.
Distribution Lists and Custom Recipients are also Sync'ed.
GAL Contacts can either by Sync'ed direct to Pocket Contacts on your Pocket PC, or into your Outlook Contacts folder for Sync'ing via ActiveSync.
GAL Contacts are added to a new 'GAL' Category, making them easier to manage."
Chris Meirick on November 16, 2004 at 05:15 AM in Useful Info
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